Policy Priority: Seniors

Representative Scarsdale understands that our seniors are the backbone of this District. Seniors are often the most engaged and socially active demographic in a small town, and this is true across all six communities in Middlesex First District. However, aging in a small community presents unique challenges not faced by larger, more urban areas, such as a lack of public transportation options and easily accessed health care. This page provides information about resources available to seniors in the district, and our office is always there to help you connect with the services you need to help you age gracefully and with dignity.

Tax Help

The Senior Circuit Breaker doubled for the 2023 tax year. Even if you were not eligible last year you may be this year!

Nashoba Associated Boards of Health

NABH is a regional public health organization serving all six towns in Middlesex First District. They provide a wealth of resources and services, including but not limited to: home health care, home hospice care, and bereavement counseling and support groups. You will find a long list of resources on their “Resouces” page.


AARP Massachusetts

AARP is a national organization with State Chapters dedicated to elder services and advocacy. You can go to their Massachusetts website by clicking the button below.

Townsend Senior Center

Director: Elise Johnson
(978) 597-1720 Van / Bus
(978) 597-1710
16 Dudley Rd, Townsend


Councils on Aging

Ashby Council on Aging

Director: April Lynn Forest
978-386-2424, ext. 27
Email: coa@ashbyma.gov


Dunstable Council on Aging

Chair: Ann Frechette
(978) 649-4514 Ext. 223


Groton Senior Center

Director: Ashley Shaheen
163 W Main St, Groton
978-448-1170 or 978-448-1141 van
Email: gcoa@grotonma.gov


Pepperell Senior Center

Director: Bethany Loveless
37 Nashua Rd, Pepperell


Lunenburg Senior Center

Director: Susan Doherty
25 Memorial Drive, Lunenburg
978-582-4166 or 978-582-4167
